10 Strategies To Manage Burnout

Take 5 minutes, grab a cuppa and read these ten strategies you can implement in your life to manage your stress levels and slow you down when you need to.
By the end of a working day, you might feel drained, exhausted, and spaced out. As this goes on over time your mental and emotional health will deteriorate and affect all other areas of your life. So, prioritising yourself as an asset of your business or wealth should be a factor, otherwise, you will experience burnout.

What is burnout?

Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by continued stress. It can lead to depression and anxiety, as well as problems with relationships at home and work. Burnout can happen in any profession, but it’s most common among people who work with the public.

Here are some Strategies that can help you manage Burnout.

1. Delegate

Delegating is one of the most important things you can do to manage burnout. You can delegate tasks like filing papers, managing meetings, screening emails to deflate the never-ending trail.Delegate to an assistant or a project task to a colleague so that you can share the load. Delegating gives you a break from the work as well as a necessary objective perspective to see if you’re all on track.

2. Build in Breaks

Taking a break from work and other responsibilities are one of the best ways to relieve stress. You will feel better after taking a mental health break, which will help you keep going when things get stressful again.

You could do something as simple as going out for coffee with a friend or family member—or even just sitting in silence at home with your thoughts for a few minutes before getting back into the fray!Whatever activity you do that makes you feel good, and is reasonably healthy, increase it throughout the week until burnout begins to fade away on its own accord

3. Try Something New

If you're feeling burnt out try doing something completely different. Take up a new hobby, attend anew type of event for you, try a new style of exercise, and even experiment with food for the first time! You could even try listening to music or audio differently by downloading an app to listen on headphones via your phone or computer. Whatever it is that gives you joy can be used as an outlet when your stress levels are high; just make sure it's not too much of an effort on your part so that it doesn't become too draining in the long-term or too stressful if it’s too far out of your comfort zone.This defeats the object.

4. Have a health or exercise plan

Your body is the most important tool you have for managing burnout. To stay healthy, consider the following:
  • Eat well and prioritise your sleep. A regular meal schedule, and particularly healthy blend of foods, and a good night's sleep are not only essential to keeping your energy levels up, they will you’re your brain and heart; and regulate and balance your emotions helping you manage stressful situations better, and prevent burnout.

  • Exercise regularly—aim for at least30 minutes per day, five days per week-low to medium-intensity exercise such as walking, casual cycling, swimming, yoga; or 3-4 days a week for higher-intensity workouts.Even just walking around the block will get the blood flowing throughout the day. Even better if you can do it in an area with leafy greens and trees. It will considerably reduce stress at work and home by reducing the tress hormone cortisol that can cause fatigue and in addition, can make us feel emotionally drained.

5. Find a Problem-solving method that works for you

There are many ways to solve problems, and some people might prefer one method over another.For example, one person may benefit from a more structured approach while another would prefer to work with open-ended questions or timed brainstorming processes. There's no one right way of doing this because everyone will be different in their approach and need different tools at their disposal—that's why it's important to try out different approaches until you find what works best for you !If you’re struggling with productivity, check out my 11 productivity methodologies blog, to help you stay focused. Try and test out which one works best for you. 

6. Talk to Someone

Talking to someone is one of the most effective strategies for managing burnout. You might be surprised to learn that people who work in the same industry as you have felt the same way you do, so it's a good idea to talk with someone who understands what you're going through. It could be a close friend, a family member, a counsellor or even a person whom you’ve never met from an online support group.Talking with someone can help you see things from a different perspective and help you understand yours and others feelings and behaviours. For example, talking with a friend can make you feel more hopeful, which will give you courage and find solutions.

7. Set Boundaries

You can set boundaries for yourself, but first, you must know what they are. For example:
  • I won't talk on the phone after work.
  • I don't listen to music while driving.
  • I won’t look at work emails until I am in office time.
  • I'm going to go out with my friends tonight—but not too late. Allow time to wind down

8. Let go of the past and look forward to the future

This is a huge topic and one that can’t be truly summed up in a few paragraphs, but it needs to be included in the list as a reminder at the very least.When you're feeling burned out, it can be incredibly hard to think about the future in a positive light.You might be feeling very low and hopeless which may make you feel very anxious about the future.Try focusing on the near-present and it will help you get past any recent negative perspectives of the past and help you look forward positively. Don’t allow yourself to dwell in bad feelings. You can’t change the past but you can change how you feel about it in each moment.But don’t avoid bad feelings for that will just add more emotional pressure and imbalance.Instead of worrying about things being stressful or unmanageable, acknowledge the feelings and then turn your focus on to how you can improve things in that moment in time, taking steps towards making changes in your situation. For example, a cup of tea, sleep, a walk with a friend, join a group, learn a new skill. This way when something does happen, you are better equipped to deal with it as it happens and manage the emotions too.

9. Get Organised

The most important way to manage burnout is by getting organised. Create a routine of your daily activities, and organised your workspace, files and documents, managed emails, calendar dates, and other tasks can help you from feeling overwhelmed.But don’t rush into this and expect it done immediately.It takes up a lot of mental load, and if you are already short ask for help or get an expert to help you. They should be able to help you break it down in to bite-sized tasks, and practical actions that will group, bank or delete from your list. It will make you feel much lighter and able to cope with everything else much easier.It’s easy to get behind on the things that need doing when you have a lot on your plate, particularly in our always-contactable always-on culture. But if you can put actions in place that help you stay organised throughout your day, then it will be easier for you to stay focused when needed for everything. To not just keep the feeling of overwhelm at bay, but also feel manageable!

10. Cut back on what and where you can.

This repeats some of our earlier points and pulls it together.
  • Cut back on the things you don't have to do.Set boundaries and stand by them! The latter is the most important.
  • Cut back on unimportant tasks and activities, which may be taking up space in your life andpreventing you from being fully engaged in your work or personal goals.Delegate as muchas possible or learn and adapt the deadline of when they need completing.
  • Cut back on the things that aren't fun or fulfilling.This will free up your time and lift your mood.
  • Cut back on the things that aren't important to you. Delegate as much as possible. Such as cleaner. It will free up your time to spend with family and friends.
Burnout occurs when a person is working too hard and don’t receive enough resting -between. It can happen to anyone, but it's especially prone with employees who work long hours, with the public and don't get their required rest.

In the end, it comes down to you. No matter how much you might want to be better at keeping burnout at bay it can creep up on you when you’re not checking for the signs. Nobody can do it for you. You need to take responsibility for yourself and make changes in your life so that you can live more comfortably and more health-efficiently, not power on through.It will help you make better smarter business decisions, and life choices.

Next steps?

Being organised is a crucial part of marketing, which is why I created a Strategic Organisation short training course. To streamline your daily actions and avoid the common pitfalls of bad communication. Bad organisations can destroy all the hard work gone into a campaign. We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field.

I also help small business owners create less mental clutter and more balance in their business with my 4-month coaching plan. I also offer digital comms consulting helping organisations solve the bottleneck in their processes, and streamline social media, and content planning and delivery.

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